June 2022 Newsletter
Highlights for the Website Summer Edition:
• CEO Update
• Employee Recognition Awards Winners
• Diversity and Inclusion Champions Group Update - #MyName
• Fundraising – Interview with Sushil Prasai – Finance and Compliance Officer
CEO Update - Steven Pink
Welcome to the summer 2022 Newsletter. Please have a read to see what has been going on. We have all been busy and sometimes rushed off our feet. Here are some highlights.
I am pleased to report that we mobilised our new services with London Ambulance Service and Practice Plus Group (PPG) on time, at the beginning of June. We are supporting LAS with 999 patients and we are providing urgent care base appointments in South West London for PPG. We have built strong relationships with both LAS and PPG and we would like to grow our collaboration with them as we progress through this year.
As we demobilised our previous South West London contract, a number of SELDOC staff transferred to PPG under TUPE arrangements. People are settling in well to their new roles and I am delighted that the majority of these colleagues will continue to work with SELDOC on other services, in addition to their work with PPG. Being part of the SELDOC family is important – being “patient-first” creates a strong bond for all of us. This does not change as contracts ebb and flow, as we continue to work together to look after patients.
Our relationship development with ICS colleagues, particularly in South East London remains a key priority. We are currently working with urgent care partners from across the system to improve patient journeys and make the care we all deliver more effective. The focus areas we are supporting are: patient insight and workforce. This is a brilliant opportunity for us to help make a difference as a system partner.
New Business
Given the changes in our South West London contracts, we have invested several months of hard work into our bid for some new South East London urgent care services. Everyone worked exceptionally hard to complete the bid on time, and we expect to be informed of the outcome in September. We are hugely excited about this opportunity and we will let you know the outcome.
Our work on Verve Healthcare, building services for the private sector, is continuing. We are tweaking our proposition in line with feedback from potential customers. We have tailored our approach, making sure our investment is accurately targeted and protecting our capacity to develop NHS services in parallel with Verve.
CQC Inspection
We completed a mock CQC inspection in Feb/March and we were pleased to achieve ‘GOOD’ as an outcome. Since then, a formal CQC inspection has taken place and we will report back as soon as we have the result.
Financial Year 2021/22
For financial year 2021/22 we achieved all of our strategic goals. Everyone has worked incredibly hard to achieve this – look at what our patients say. Thank you all for making this happen.
Steven Pink
We announced in December 2021 that we would be launching our own Employee Recognition Awards. These are held on a quarterly basis, last quarter we saw that Jose Alvez and Andrea Pearson won the Team Award, with Dr Mohanarajah and Gareth Hunt receiving the SWL and SEL awards respectively.
This quarter (June 2022) we had some great entries, with each showing great competency, adaptability, empowerment and compassion. Each nomination is scored against the company values and it is with great pleasure to announce this time that the HR Team are our winners.
HR Team Award
Andre Osborne – HR Manager
Danielle Bunten – HR Advisor
Eva Houlding – HR Assistant
“The HR team deserve some recognition on the work they have been completing on SWL TUPE. There have been so many moving parts, a big impact to our SWL staff and they have had to do additional evening, weekends consultations. In addition, in order to make sure that payroll is correct for all of the TUPE staff, additional work has needed to be completed ….”. This was delivered in difficult circumstances with much ambiguity.
In line with the Company Values, the team have shown that they are: Adaptable, Empowering, Competent and Compassionate – Congratulations to all and thank you!
All Winners will receive a £100 gift voucher and the Employee Recognition Plaque engraved with their name.
Please email seldoc.awards@nhs.net if you would like to submit a member of staff for the next awards in September 2022. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 19th August 2022. Please include as much information as possible about the reasons for your nomination and which values they pertain to.

Here are some of our patient’s comments showing their appreciation. It is always good to be reminded of the impact we all have, in whatever your role is at SELDOC

Diversity and Inclusion Champions Update

In March’s Newsletter Danielle Bunten announced, “We will be shortly launching the #MyNameIs campaign– a simple but highly impactful solution to ensure everyone pronounces people’s names correctly.
This can be achieved and shown by normalizing phonetic spelling on your email signature; we are also currently reviewing recruitment processes to ensure inclusivity”.
#MyNamels – update and here’s what you can do:
After taking part in Race Equality week, SELDOC’ S Diversity and Inclusion Champions Group wanted to embrace new ways of bringing more inclusion to the workplace.
From attending seminars organised by Race Equality Matters, there was a large discussion around mispronunciation of names.
At SELDOC, we understand that your name is more than just a name. It’s part of who you are; your culture, heritage, language and identity and that learning someone’s name and remembering how to pronounce it really matters.
It can feel awkward and difficult to correct someone when they say your name incorrectly and sometimes it is said without knowing the error.
Race Equality Matters launched the #MyNameIs digital tool helping people share their real names by translating it to phonetics and asking organisations to add phonetic name spellings to their email signatures.
We felt inspired hearing the success stories and wanted to ensure we value and respect every person in the SELDOC family. So, we are asking you all to support this campaign by using the link below and adding your phonetic name spelling to your email signature.
Please follow this link to discover and share your phonetic name https://mynameis.raceequalitymatters.com/
Here is an example from Danielle Bunten’s email sign off:
Danielle Bunten – HR Advisor
You are able to type and edit your personal preference as to how to pronounce and your preferred name and there are language options where appropriate.
We appreciate your cooperation and every step we all take to maintaining an inclusive workplace.
From the SELDOC Diversity and Inclusion Champion Group
FUNDRAISING EVENT - Sushil Prasai - Compliance Officer - Finance After hearing about Sushil’s bike ride to Paris, we chatted about the event

I asked Sushil how he found out about this charity – “I’ve always wanted to go to Paris” and with his cycling friends who had heard about the charity, they decided 3 months ago, that they would raise funds with a bike ride to Paris.
The ride is 200 miles and training started from the off, with cycling 70 miles every weekend for 2 months. They mainly trained around the Surrey Hills.
The team of 7 set of on Friday 20th May at 7.30pm to ride their first tranche from Tower Bridge to New Haven to catch the Ferry to France. Their biggest challenge was that it started to rain heavily, “It’s really tricky cycling in the rain and can be very dangerous, we had saddle bags and handle bar bags which weighed around 11 kgs” Sushil quoted.
The Ferry trip was 4 hours (5 with time difference) to Dieppe, in France where they stayed overnight, getting some well-earned rest, ready for the next full day of cycling.
Sushil explained from Dieppe, they cycled 72 miles, which was a full day to Beauvais. There the team rode through beautiful countryside and were very lucky to have glorious weather, it was mostly cycle lane as the track they rode was an old disused railway track (35miles) with the rest being on the road. They had to embark upon a very long hill, 2 miles long, with some team members having to push their bikes up the hill! Once in Beauvais they stayed overnight and headed off to Paris the next morning, their last tranche was 52 miles and they stopped at the Eiffel Tower, for the mandatory photo opp! You can see this above.
So far, money raised is over £5k and these funds will help the running of the children’s home, to donate to this worthwhile cause, use the link below:
Interesting fact – in Nepal they are currently in year 2078! Talk about time travelling!!!
Thank you for taking a moment to read this information. We hope you found it interesting. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in what we do and would like to find out a little more. With very best wishes from the SELDOC Team
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