Autumn 2022 Newsletter
Highlights for the Website Autumn Edition:
• CEO Update
• CQC Inspection Results
• Employee Recognition Awards Winners
CEO Update - Steven Pink
Please accept my apologies that this update is a little later than planned. Everything has been "full on". Let me tell you what we have been up to.
Urgent Treatment Centres
Providing urgent treatment centre services is a logical extension of our current service portfolio and builds on the experience we have developed with GSTT over the last eleven years. Over the last 24 months or so, we have brought new skills into our business with deep UTC experience. This was to support diversification into this area. In line with our strategy and leveraging our experience of working with partners, we submitted a bid for UTC services in a new South East London Borough in the summer. Commissioners have told us the decision has been delayed for internal reasons and so we are waiting to hear. In the meantime, we are getting on with the next bid and building new relationships to support it.
Our relationship with GSTT continues to grow stronger as we support the team with developments in their ED, UTC and @Home services. We had some rota challenges earlier in the year and our team has done an amazing job in addressing this. We are not quite at 100 per cent yet but we are "on the up" and getting ever closer. Well done team.
The new services
Our new LAS and PPG services are now motoring and it is hard to believe they have only been going since June. Our performance is strong and we have offered additional support to PPG in South West London if they need it. I am delighted that so many colleagues who transferred to PPG are still working shifts at SELDOC. The SELDOC family links are certainly standing the test of time.
We are also deepening our relationships with LAS Colleagues. The service is performing well and the partnership has buckets of opportunity for the future.
On the up in South East London
In South East London the shape of our service has changed dramatically: the face to face only service has now evolved into a truly mixed model with a very high number of remote consultations. We are delighted with this, and once again, our teams are doing an amazing job in some pretty challenging times with large volume increases.
Finally, our new private sector service is now live in pre-sale phase. This means our high level offer is in the market and we are eliciting interest from early-adopter customers before our full marketing programme begins later in the year. We have recruited physiotherapists and mental health practitioners as well as GPs to support this service. Please take a look at
All in all, very busy and exciting times. So many people are working their socks off. Thank you all so very much.
Best wishes
Steven Pink
Following our last announcement of the winners for summer 2022, we had some great entries, with each showing great competency, adaptability, empowerment and compassion. Each nomination is scored against the company values and it is with great pleasure to announce the autumn winners:
Camilla Ketter – SEL Service Delivery Manager
Wendy Parr – SWL Service Delivery Manager
Gareth Hunt – SEL Shift Manager/Driver
Both Wendy and Camilla demonstrated great commitment towards the SWL mobilisation project and the CQC Inspection respectively. Great results in both cases. The nominees expressed:
“Wendy and members of her team worked until 2am in the morning last night on the mobilisation so I feel they should be put forward for potential nominees of next round of recognition awards”.
Camilla – “making sure all elements of the service were working well to meet patient need and CQC inspection requirements. Presenting to inspectors with authority and demonstrable skill giving confidence in how the service is run. The inspectors were clearly impressed by our team which Camilla leads, she has set them up for success, by being clear on what is needed and supporting them to be their best.”
For Gareth Hunt, I want to draw your attention to the outstanding contribution of Gareth in respect of our business continuity response to the Adastra outage. Several nominations were made for Gareth in this respect.
Nominees said, “the best way I could describe Gareth’s work during the crisis when Adastra was down was, an excellent IT manager in an emergency situation. Gareth’s IT expertise and his willingness to voluntarily help at the time of this Adastra crisis helped the work flow to be managed effectively and smoothly at Tessa base.”
Wendy, Camilla and Gareth demonstrated in line with SELDOC Values
Adaptable * Empowering * Competent * Compassionate * Patient-First
Congratulations to all and thank you!
All Winners will receive a £100 gift voucher and the Employee Recognition Plaque engraved with their name. If you would like to be part of the select committee, please let Jacqueline know at:
Please email if you would like to submit a member of staff for the next awards in December 2022. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 25th November 2022. Please include as much information as possible about the reasons for your nomination and which values they pertain to.

Here are some of our patient’s comments showing their appreciation. It is always good to be reminded of the impact we all have, in whatever your role is at SELDOC
CQC Inspection Results

CQC “Good” Rating
We are very proud to announce that at our recent CQC Inspection, we were rated GOOD, the inspection found that SELDOC Tessa Jowell services had:
Good systems to manage risk so that safety incidents were less likely to happen. When they did happen, the service learned from them and improved their processes.
The service routinely reviewed the effectiveness and appropriateness of the care it provided. It ensured that care and treatment was delivered according to evidence- based guidelines.
Staff involved and treated people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
Patients were able to access care and treatment from the service within an appropriate timescale for their needs.
There was a strong focus on continuous learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation.
This is a fantastic result and we would like to thank all those involved who helped make this happen.
Thank you for taking a moment to read this information. We hope you found it interesting. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in what we do and would like to find out a little more. With very best wishes from the SELDOC Team
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