How SELDOC worked in partnership with South West London (SWL) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to deliver a successful COVID Clinical Assessment Service (C-CAS) 

As the UK Covid-19 pandemic third wave is developing, reviewing the previous waves, assessments can be made of the way its healthcare system responded to the most serious health crisis in living memory. 
At SELDOC, we are a trusted and experienced provider of patient focussed, primary and urgent care services. We are proud of the role we played in supporting patients and their families in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. We look after 2m people in South East and South West London and this service allowed us to support patients in SWL at a very difficult time. 
We partnered with the NHS SWL CCG to deliver, swiftly and effectively, a successful COVID Clinical Assessment Service (C-CAS) that succeeded our service level targets of 95 per cent and our patient satisfaction rating was over 85 per cent. 

What was SELDOC asked to do, and why? 

When the scale of the rapidly developing Covid-19 crisis became apparent in April 2020, SELDOC was able to act quickly and support patients. Working in partnership with NHS colleague we mobilised our service in record time. 
We were commissioned to provide a dedicated team to manage potential Covid-19 cases referred by NHS111 in South-West London. 

How did SELDOC respond, and what did it deliver? 

Within 8 weeks the service was created and went live. This service management structure was created so it could be continuously modified as the service unfolded. 
We delivered: 
COVID clinical risk assessments 
Clinical telephone management of primary care cases, where patients needed urgent attention within 1-2 hours  
Ambulance validation - (our senior clinicians conducted a detailed triage before ambulance is sent) 
Clinical telephone support to community nurses, paramedics and residential care homes. 
We continued to develop the service in response to: 
Public Health England (PHE) recommendations; 
feedback and learning from our clinical workforce; 
comments from patients; and  
suggestions for improvement from our operational teams. 
“The C-CAS played a crucial part in aiding the NHS's ability to deal with the pandemic,” said Tim Hebditch, SELDOC's Operations Director. We are proud of the quickness and agility with which we and our SWL CCG partners responded during these difficult times, as well as the results we achieved for patients in the area.” 
One of our patients quoted "The GP went above and beyond to refer my husband to A&E, where he was diagnosed with and received treatment for multiple blood clots on the lungs. We are very grateful for the care he received" 

What was the benefit for patients? 

We looked after approximately 2000 people every month and of whom circa 60% needed primary urgent care. 
There were no complaints, and patient satisfaction was assessed at 85 percent. We were able to achieve a 95 percent target, in line with our CCG requirements. 

What did our patients say: 

"Kept me involved with everything going on, listened  
to what I was saying and helping find the next step to  
my issue. Made me feel very comfortable" 
"Kind and caring and took the next step which was  
an ambulance and hospital and explained what  
was happening" 

What lessons were learned? 

1. local links with other services enabled us to modify and manage the demand efficiently, with successful outcomes 
2. we proved our ability to implement new services and technology quickly, without compromising on quality 
3. local knowledge and relationships are key to a successful delivery 
If you are interested in any of our services and how we can help YOU please contact:- Jacqueline at j.o' 
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